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About Us

The SI Hunger Task Force is not a pantry. Instead, we connect community members to pantries and pantries to community and government resources.


We collaborate with organizations and people who want to donate food and goods to pantries in need.

We connect pantries in need of staff to community volunteers.


We are committed to bringing awareness to the issue of hunger in our borough, encouraging elected officials and government organizations in their efforts to reduce hunger on Staten Island.


We keep our pantries up-to-date on new community and government initiatives. 

At monthly meetings, pantries share information and best practices and collaborate on projects. We invite city, state, and federal organizations to describe the support they can offer our pantries' guests.


The Staten Island Hunger Task Force meets the first Monday every month.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 12, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Zoom.

Please subscribe to SIHTF emails (at the top of this column) for the agenda and Zoom login information.

Where to Find Food in 10310

Richmond County Savings Foundation

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